Oddly enough I've been thinking about a higher power of some
sort a lot recently; odd because this is never a topic I like to dwell into a
lot. It leads to a nasty spiral in my twisted mind where I go from belief to
the meaning of life to inevitably ending up at a point where I begin to wonder
about my existence on earth and how indescribably insignificant the impact of
my existence has been. Although may I add, not in a suicidal way, just in a
'losing all hope, why am I even doing anything when I will amount to doing
nothing in the eyes of the world' manner. We all have our moments.
Whilst I am a follower of the Jain way of life, I find that religion
makes me feel guilty. Religion makes a lot of people feel guilty. Maybe that's
the ultimate role of religion and even the idea of a higher existence...to make
you feel conscious about your actions and thoughts. Don't get me wrong, that's
not a bad in any way because more often than not I have recently been feeling
that I need to be reminded about my morals. Morals keep me grounded, and
personally my morals are the strongest when I am around my parents who often
remind me of right and wrong.
Here is what I have concluded over my summer of being mostly
isolated of all decent company (no, my parents and little brother do not
count). The thing is about being so withdrawn is that you begin to think a lot
more. People's thoughts affect you a lot less and frankly after my numerous incidences
in the past year, which I shall not get into, it is just what I need.
Sorry, I've just gone off topic. I believe. That is what I
have concluded. I think everyone needs a bit of belief in their life. Everyone
needs a higher power to look up to when life does not turn out how you expect
it to. Belief in that higher power, whether it is science or God, is what keeps
us going in our times of hardship. Even thought you do not realize it, religion
becomes a part of you.
It is good that religion makes you feel conscious of your
actions. Of course I am not referring to extremism, or supporting homophobia. I
am talking about how a higher power can make you a better person because you
want to do more good. And I hate it when people are so adamantly against
religion because surely anything that often provokes a person to change for the
better and do good in the world is something to support. A higher power is
something which I cannot avoid. There must be something greater than the human
race out there which controls the fate of our actions. A puppeteer to the
puppets would be a cynical way to look at this. But you get what I mean. I
don't know if it is Allah, or God or simply an invisible force which has no consciousness.
I just know that the universe is big and ever expanding, and there has to be
something out there.
I think that belief in anything is brilliant. My crisis now
is what I believe in.