Thursday 21 August 2014

Six French Words I Like This Week

Today the aim is to create a little list of French words that I've come across in whilst trying to improve my vocab because as it turns out, I am moving to Paris in September.


Apart from the usual oui, non, bonjour and  merci, learning French adjectives, nouns and verbs would be so very handy in every day conversation. It will massively improve your vocabulary learning a few new words every week.

La Niaque (nee-ya-kah) - Determined attitude, strong willpower

Lucarne (loo-car-n) - Skylight, small window

Douceâtre (doo-sat-rha) - Sickly sweet, when using this adjective for a person, e.g. un homme douceâtre, it                                           would mean a nauseatingly sweet man, a kind of fake sweet.

Pelotonner (pulo-ton-ney) - To curl up, or to huddle up. 

Frimousse (fri-moose) - In my dictionary this noun is defined as a "sweet little face" but on the internet it also                                       means an emoticon/smiley.

Bricolage (bree-col-aje) - Do-it-yourself/DIY

* The parts in Italics are the pronunciations of the words


  1. That's amazing that you're going to France. I speak french too! Goodluck ^ ^

    1. Ahh thank you! I'm crazy nervous, but it's such a great language I wouldn't mind hearing it all around me for the next year :D

  2. Congrats on your upcoming trip to Paris! And thank you for your comment on my blog :)
